soft joy

CX Design | Branding | Strategy

soft joy restaurant design project image (menu)

Project Goal

Located in the newest tourist attraction in Ningbo, China, soft joy provides a unique and chill experience for customers who are looking for a light but delicious meal. When strategizing this new restaurant, one method for it to stand out from competition is to become a trendy spot on Chinese social media, attracting influencers and celebrities.
After SS22 conducted a landscape research around the area, we concluded that its brand tone should feel affable and modern. Tourists, office workers, and university students should all feel comfortable entering this place.
Today, this strategic approach to the brand has been proven effective. Soft joy has received high praises on the Chinese social media platform, 大众点评.

soft joy restaurant design project image (food)
soft joy restaurant design project image
soft joy restaurant design project image
soft joy restaurant design project image (invitation)
soft joy restaurant design project image (kitchen and bar)
soft joy restaurant design project image (menu)
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